輔仁大學 . Office365教育版 . 服務說明
Fu Jen Catholic University: Office365 Education edition — Instruction
  1. 本平台提供本校教職生設定由校方所開設Office365教育版帳號的密碼,利用此組帳密登入Office365官網,可使用其中的Teams進行同步會議與教學等等活動。
    This platform provides the FJCU faculty and students with a password to set up an Office365 account provided by the University. This account can then be used to log in to the official Office 365 website, allowing you to use Microsoft Teams to organize and attend meetings and lectures.
  2. 自109學年度開始,提供學校正式版環境的Office365帳號為:職編學號@m365.fju.edu.tw(以下簡稱m365帳號)
    Starting from the academic year 2020-2021, the official Office365 account for FJCU uses the following format: StudentID@m365.fju.edu.tw (hereafter referred to as m365 account), in which each student uses their own Student ID.
  3. 第一次使用、忘記密碼或變更密碼請點選本頁面最下方的按鈕,並依照步驟完成密碼設定。
    When using your account for the first time, or if you forget your password, you can click the button on the bottom of the page and follow the steps to set up your password.
  4. 完成上述密碼設定後,即可登入Office365官方網站 https://www.office.com/ 使用相關服務。
    After the password setting, you can log in to the official Office 365 website (https://www.office.com/) and use all related services.
  5. 登入m365帳號過程中,請勾選「否,僅登入此應用程式」,切勿勾選「允許我的組織管理我的裝置」。
    While logging in to your m365 account, you must check the box “No, log in to this application only”, do not check the box “Allow my organization to disable my devices”.
  6. 特別叮嚀
    Important reminders:
    1. 此帳密是微軟Office365帳密,並非學校LDAP帳密。此帳號空間非輔大所有,屬於微軟公司,所有服務與權益以微軟公司政策而定。
      This account is an Office365 account, not a FJCU LDAP account. As such, it is not owned by the University, but by Microsoft Corporation, and all rights and services are subject to Microsoft Corporation's policy.
    2. 密碼設定完成後,請依照頁面說明,等待密碼更新至微軟所需時間。
      After the password has been set up, please follow the instructions on the page and wait for the password to be updated by Microsoft; this will take some time.
    3. 如果要在微軟Teams當中與本校的其他師生視訊互動,強烈建議使用m365帳號,而不是自行申請的其他帳密,因為目前這組帳密屬於同一個輔大組織,在所有溝通互動上的功能比較完備。
      If you want to use Microsoft Teams to interact with other students and faculty, you are strongly advised to use your m365 account rather than any other account you applied for, as the current m365 accounts all belong to the same FJCU-group and as such have a more complete functionality when it comes to communication and interaction.
  7. 【重要公告】輔仁大學Office 365教育版儲存空間政策異動說明
    1. 專任教職員帳號使用上限為100GB。
    2. 兼任教職員、公務帳號、計畫助理人員使用上限為5GB。
    3. 在學生與畢業生使用上限為1GB。
    4. 此為現階段本校帳號容量使用上限規定,之後如有異動會再通知。
    [Important Announcement] Changes to the Office 365 Education Storage Policy
    According to the resolution of the second Information Development Committee meeting in the 112th academic year, storage space restrictions will be imposed on our school accounts (including all Microsoft services), which are expected to be implemented from April 1, 2025:
    1. The maximum usage limit for full-time faculty and staff accounts is 100GB.
    2. The upper limit for part-time faculty, official accounts, and project assistants is 5GB.
    3. The maximum usage for students and graduates is 1GB.
    4. This is the current upper limit of the account capacity usage of our school. If there are any changes in the future, we will notify you.
    Please click here for the full announcement.
  8. 學校授權OFFICE軟體不同類型使用注意事項
    Note on the use of different types of OFFICE-software authorized by FJCU
    1. 目前學校授權的OFFICE類型有以下:
      At present, the following types of OFFICE-software are available through FJCU:
      1. 原來的MSI類型(從學校授權軟體主機下載的Office Professional Plus)。
        The original MSI type (Office Professional Plus downloaded from the University's authorized software host)
        • 學生身分:輔大首頁 > 在校學生 > 登入入口網 > 校內系統選單 > 網路.服務 > 共享軟體下載
          For students: FJCU homepage -> Students -> Login -> System Menu -> Online services -> Software Download
        • 教職員身分:輔大首頁 > 教職員工 > 登入入口網 > 行政 > 共享軟體下載
          For faculty and staff: FJCU homepage -> Staff -> Login -> Administration (行政) -> Software Download (共享軟體下載)
      2. 另增加一種類型(Office 365隨選即用)。
        Adding additional software (Office 365 on-demand)
        • 可直接從Office365平台下載安裝程式。(可先登入https://www.office.com/,並點選畫面右上方之「安裝Office」。)
          You can download the installation wizard directly from the Office365 platform. (Go to https://www.office.com/ and click on “Install Office” at the top right of the screen.)
    2. 這些類型皆僅授權給校內教職員生,離校之後將無法授權使用。(本校畢業校友之微軟授權與使用限制
      This software is licensed for on-campus faculty, staff and students on campus only, and will not be available after you leave the FJCU.
    3. 如果要將既有安裝的類型轉換,注意事項如下:
      If you wish to switch from a previously installed version to a new one, please note the following:
      1. Office365與Professional Plus類型「不能」並存於同一台裝置當中,使用者可依喜好習慣擇一使用。
        The Office365 and Professional Plus types cannot be used on the same device; users can choose one depending on their preferences.
      2. 裝置中已有Office Professional Plus類型,想更換為Office365:
        If you already have any of the Office Professional Plus types installed on your device, they can be replaced by Office365 as follows:
        • 可直接從Office365平台下載安裝程式。(可先登入https://www.office.com/,並點選畫面右上方之「安裝Office」。)
          Download the installer directly from the Office365 platform (you can go to https://www.office.com/ and select “Install Office” at the top right of the screen).
        • 安裝完畢後,原來的Office Professional Plus類型將直接被取代為最新版本的Microsoft 365 Apps 企業版。
          After installation, the original Office Professional Plus type software will be automatically replaced with the latest version of the Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise version.
      3. 裝置中已有Office365類型,想更換為Office Professional Plus:
        If you already have an Office365 type software installed and want to change it to Office Professional Plus:
        • 先移除既有類型,官方網站提供兩種方式(從控制台移除、下載移除工具執行),經實測,後者較無後續使用問題。
          First delete the existing software. The official website provides two ways to do this: by direct removal or by downloading the removal tool. Based on experience, the latter is more convenient.
        • 下載移除工具,執行後重新開機,再安裝Professional Plus類型。
          Download the removal tool, run it, reboot your device, and install the Professional Plus type software.
      4. 其他注意事項如下:
        Other items worth noting:
        • Office365採線上授權驗證,在第一次啟動時會要求登入m365帳號進行授權驗證,登出後就不能使用(需再次登入才能繼續使用)。
          Office365 uses online verification for authorization: when you first start up the application, you will be asked to log in to your m365 account to verify the authorization; after logging out, you will no longer be able to use it until you log in again.
        • 裝置中已有Office365試用版者,可直接改登入m365帳號即可取得學校授權。
          If you already have a trial version of Office365 on your device, you can directly log in to your m365 account to receive authorization from the University.
        • 安裝Office365之作業系統必須是Windows 8.1或以上版本。
          In order to install Office365, an operating system of Windows 8.1 or above is required.
  9. 服務洽詢:
    Service inquiries:
    • 帳號開通問題
      If you encounter any problems setting up your account, please contact the Center of Information Technology Network Support (02)2905-6468.
      External students: Ms. Wei (魏), Curriculum Division, Office of Academic Affairs: (02)2905-2284.
      Office of Continuing Education (FJUEXT): Ms. Hong (洪), Office of Business Development, School of Continuing Education: (02)2905-3731#110.
    • Teams操作問題,請洽教發中心(02)2905-3279,或參考教發中心製作之線上教學教戰手冊https://reurl.cc/3DN3v0
      If you encounter any problems using Microsoft Teams, please contact the Faculty Development & Instructional Resource Center (02)2905-3279, or check the Center’s online learning manual, available at https://reurl.cc/3DN3v0.
    • Office軟體授權問題,請洽資訊中心網路組(02)2905-3736。
      If you encounter any problems with the Office licensing, please contact the Center of Information Technology Network Support (02)2905-3736.
If you are using Office365 for the first time, or you forgot your password, click the button below to set up your Office365 password.
輔仁大學資訊中心 / 24205 新北市新莊區中正路510號 聖言樓
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